Job Creation and Growth of Main Street Economies

As a small business owner, Rich will work for stronger main street economies through:

  • Encouraging investment in small business start-ups
  • Expanding research and development tax credits
  • Eliminating job-killing regulations and government red tape
  • Reducing and reforming state taxes
  • Increasing health insurance flexibility for small businesses

“Let’s scrutinize the ever-growing list of burdensome regulations.” Draheim believes that when government has too much money and staff it can spend time and taxpayers dollars to find more ways to burden farmers and small business owners.

“In the end,” Draheim says, “overregulation costs Greater Minnesota families money and disproportionately impacts jobs and growth in our region.”

Join Our Campaign

I'm out door knocking every week in towns throughout Rice County. Winning will require a strong grassroots organization.  Will you join us?

Need a Sign?

Will you put my sign in your yard?
I'll even come out in put it in for you.


We are well on our way, but still short on our fundraising goals and all donations greatly appreciated