It’s back to school time!

It’s back to school time!

It’s back to school time!

Issue #3 – Keeping the Quality in Minnesota’s Education System

Rich Draheim grew up in a family of educators. His grandmother was a teacher in a one room school house in southern Minnesota, his mom a teacher in Mankato, his uncle taught in Owatonna, his aunt in Faribault and his Dad worked at Mankato State University. In the Draheim household, there was never any shortage of discussion about the importance of education, and what goes on in the classroom.

As the parent of two children in public school, Rich understands the importance of quality education. As our State Senator, Rich will work to:

  • Support equitable, reliable funding for schools in south central Minnesota
  • Reduce unnecessary state-imposed K-12 mandates on school districts
  • Keep control of our schools in the hands of parents, teachers and local school boards – not bureaucrats from the Twin Cities

Rich’s education priority is simple. Kids first. Rich will make every education decision with that overriding goal. The world around us is changing rapidly and Rich believes that requires different approaches to how we educate students.

Rich knows not all children learn at the same pace, and that different children succeed in a different educational environments. That’s why Rich supports, and will work to expand Minnesota’s system of school choice in which parents can choose from public, charter, private, religious, online or home-schooling options.

Rich also wants to continue the discussion of providing alternative pathways to licensure for mid-career professionals who may want to teach in those school districts which are experiencing severe shortages of math and science teachers.

On higher education, Rich will work to hold the line on tuition increases at state colleges, and supports tax relief for families saving for college and for students paying back college loans.

Rich will be a dedicated advocate for students, parents and teachers, and fight to keep our schools the best in the nation.